Destiny is a predetermined course of events that are inevitable and sometimes irresistible. I say “sometimes” because destinies may be delayed, detoured or terminated. A Date with Destiny (DwD) is a time to return and realign with your Destiny in marriage in other to fulfill your purpose in the Kingdom of God.

It is unfortunate that many people spend their lifetime searching for their purpose. Whereas what they really need to do is to follow their destiny because destiny is the pathway to purpose.

Take the story of Jacob and Leah in the bible. Jacob liked Rachel but his destiny was connected with Leah. How do I know this? Leah was Jacob’s wife and the mother of Judah. Judah was the son that was chosen to take over the mantle of Abraham’s dynasty from Jacob. Genesis 49:8-12. It was therefore through Leah that Jacob’s purpose was perfected.

Since Destiny is inevitable, no obstacle can remove us from our destiny without our agreement. Naomi was destined to be in the blood line of the messiah but she was too old, had no husband, her two sons were dead and her daughters in-law were idol worshippers. These are not mere coincidence; on the contrary they are matters that must not be taken for granted.

As you can see from these two examples, marriage is the single most important thing in determining your destiny other than your salvation.

Twogether for Ever and the Single For Now (SFN) is called to raise up an altar for singles serious about connecting with their destiny in marriage. Keeping a Date with Destiny (DwD) is a radical but strategic platform for realignment of destinies through marriage and relationships. God has promised us that:

• Soul mates will be connected in an unusual manner,

• Secrets will be revealed and deep knowledge gained;

• Some will find out new things about themselves;

• Many will be liberated and flourish from the knowledge that will be acquired.

• Blind eyes will be opened to see and recognize their spouse.

• Obstacles will be removed

• Houses will be established as homes on this mountain.

• Some will learn to celebrate singlehood.

A Date with Destiny is also a period set apart to break down barriers set by men, lift veils of darkness set by powers and principalities; realign destinies delayed, detoured or terminated by ignorance. Upon this mountain of DwD there shall be deliverance and the people will possess their possessions. We believe that the Kingdom of God suffers violence and only the spiritually violent men and women can take back their destiny by force. Matt 11:12

The 2013 group will be limited in number and organized in a closed group. Membership and platforms are for members only and access is password protected. We will change the password periodically to keep our activities personal and to protect your information. Membership is for those who are serious about changing their life in the area of relationship and marriage.

If you are tired of the conventional singles group in your Church or you feel that the group does not serve your needs, DwD for you. Let’s face it; all singles do not have the same mindset nor do all the singles share the same sense of urgency. The participants must be willing and able to commit their time to the program and ready to follow instruction as the Holy Spirit directs. This is an intensive program that may require ‘a separation’ because we believe that separation leads to revelation and revelation leads to elevation. For things to change we must change and there is a place for our blessings.

We have a two-prong approach to the mission.

• We believe that there are “some” things that will not change except by praying and fasting. Therefore we will pray and fast periodically and strategically.

• We also believe that people perish for lack of wisdom. Therefore we will study in a deeper way in other to understand and reaffirm the power and authority we have as believers; and in other to be aware of the strategies of the enemy and the spiritual activities that concern us.


DwD is a six-step process in a six month period. It is a six month focused on studies, practical application and intensive prayers warfare. All together you are required to commit a maximum of one year to this program. (12-15 meetings). From the time of writing the story to rewriting your story we will walk with you even into your new family to ensure that you make it in marriage. Some of us will graduate from this program ahead of time.

Many of us went to a four-year college (full time) that may or may not impact our life as much as a life partner. You will be required to commit to the six steps program after registration. Please do not join the group unless you are able, willing and ready to commit your time to this program. This program may not be for you if you are not at a point in your life where marriage is a priority. Twogether for Ever already has Singles for Now and that platform may be more suitable for you.

Now some of us may be asking, “How would keeping a date with Destiny help me?” Here are some of the blessings of associating with this vision.


1. DwD will partner with you and provide a platform for answered prayers

2. DwD will help you to give an undivided attention your destiny

3. DwD will provide necessary resources for your journey.

4. DwD will provide a platform for a community of Christians in a similar situation.

5. DwD will provide mentorship and guidance for the life of the participants.