In dealing with any spiritual or secular attack on your family, your goal should be to pursue the culprit, catch up with the culprit and recover everything that was taken from you.

David was once in a similar situation. In one single day, he lost his wives, children and his house. King David and his family were like you and your family before God. In spite of the promises of God we still go through all kinds of challenges in life. Some of us are ready for marriage but no suitor, some have suitors but no money, and some are married but no peace in the home. Beloved, it is not a matter of “if” but a matter of when you will deal with the challenges of life. What then should we do when we are faced with a challenge that is bigger than us? Here are five steps to pursue to the enemy, overtake the enemy and recover whatever is lost.

1. Understand that it happens to all: Beloved, things happen to all of us. The devil has not selected you because of you, and God has not rejected you either. Isaiah 43.2 says” When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and through the rivers, they shall not overflow you: when you walk through the fire, you shall not be burned; neither shall the flame scorch you. Notice the “Whens” in that verse. Take a moment to access your situation and then move on the solution mode. Do not dwell on “why me” for too long. Asking why and complaining will never get you out of the situation.


2. Weep, Mourn but by all means get over it: Take another moment to cry, lament, and broad over the lost or hardship. Some say it’s therapeutic but I say it’s part of the process of recovery. The scripture allows us to weep for one night, but no more than one night. If the weeping continues to the morning it becomes a sin. In I Sam 30:1-11 David’s wives, children were taken and his house burnt down by an invading tribe called Amalekites while David was away. When David saw this, David and his men wept until they were tired of weeping. Weep as hard as you can but stop weeping as quickly as you can. Weeping has never solves any problem.


3. Encourage yourself: David encourage himself in the Lord. There is always a temptation to seek encouragement from your friends, your pastors, your prophets or drug and alcohol. Resist that temptation and seek the Lord first. Separate yourself for instructions and ask the Lord for what you should do. Remember He is the commander in Chief and there is war in your house. “And David inquired at the LORD, saying, Shall I pursue after this troop? shall I overtake them? And he answered him, Pursue: for you shall surely overtake them, and without fail recover all” I Sam 30:8. Do not do anything until you hear from him.

4. Beware of Distractions: The devil may present a magnified version of your situation and its effect on you. Stay focused.

Do not be distracted or succumb to the pressures from inside and outside your house. Learn to say “no” to any suggestion that appears to be helpful but not in agreement with the command that the Lord gave you. When David and his men came to a water spring, 200 out of his 600 men opted to rest for a while. David quickly left them behind and continued with the 400 men that were aligned with the program. Always remove yourself from people that are not going with the program. Be aware that this distraction can come from your inner circle and make it hard to resist but you must continue with the command that God gave you. Abraham waited for 86 years until Sarah got tired of waiting and offered Abraham an Alternative to God’s plan. David saw the enemy spread out over all the land, eating and drinking and dancing at his expense.

5. Persevere and Overcome: Be prepared to fight to finish. Only overcomers become winners. David and his men fought from early morning to the evening of the next day before they recovered their lost. I Sam 30:17. Jacob said “I will not let you go unless you bless me” Gen. 32:36. The hardest part of this process is finishing.  Pursue and keep the presure on,  Overtake and maintain your speed, and Recover all without fail. That’s the biblical strategy for dealing with family attack or Crisis.