As part of our Christmas celebration, and as a way to say Thank You for being a part of us, we have the opportunity of giving our blog readers a chance to win 5 Twogether For Ever t-shirts.

And the t-shirt designs are pretty awesome.   

How do you win a t-shirt?

1) Leave us a comment below as to how Twogether for Ever has been a blessing to you.

2) “LIKE” us on Facebook, Follow us on Twitter, and become a Member of our website and leave us a comment that you did those.

3)  Lastly share this post with your friends on facebook and twitter and let us know you did that by leaving us a comment.

That’s THREE chances to enter……You can choose to do one or two above or all three to increase your chances of winning.

Winners will be chosen at random on WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 21, 2011.

UPDATE: Deadline extended to JANUARY 14, 2012 due to the holidays (Sorry for the inconvenience)