There are three things to bear in mind here as you work on turning around your situation.

1. There is nothing too hard for God to do. 2. There is time for everything and 3. You can change your own divine schedule and timing.

Look at the hopeless case of a man called Lazarus. John 11:39- He was dead for 4 days, buried in a tomb, already rotten and stinking but he came alive. Let us see how Jesus Christ did it.

First Jesus Christ asked them to roll away the stone on the grave. Then he called him out by name. Lazarus come forth! Most of us assume that dead people or hopeles situations cannot hear your words but research has confirmed that babies hear what you are saying. People in comma hear what you are saying. They may not respond the way you expect them to respond, and when you expect it but they hear you. In this case, Lazarus heard it, he did not answer with words, he did what he was told to do. Lazarus came forth with bandages and death shrawls still bound! Then Jesus Christ commanded the forces holding him bound to release him.

You see there are two phases of deliverance, two phases of healing and two phases of everything- the physical and the spiritual. In this case you have:

1. Deliverance from the symptoms or manifestations and

2. Deliverance from the Spirits behind the symptoms.

Most of us just address the symptoms (headache, cancer, court case, drug, lack etc and forget the source of the symptoms. Jesus Christ always spoke to the symptoms and then to the Spirits. Mk 4:39. We cannot afford to be ignorant of the divices of the enemy.

When a man dies, his destiny dies and there is no hope for him but the good thing is that physical death is not spiritual death because even dead men hear words!

During our prayer meeting last Saturday, we prayed exactly the prayers that Jesus prayed, raised our voice as he raised his voice, called our dead situations as he called forth dead Lazarus and got the result that Jesus Christ got. I declare that every dead, buried and rotten situations in your life must hear the word of God. Call them forth with a loud voice!!

Join us this Saturday as we look at an extra ordinary man whose death sentence was signed and sealed by God; and delivered by a prophet of God. Friends, it cannot get worst than that. When a man is declared dead by God its only a matter of time before he starts smelling. I am here to tell you that this man survived it! Join us this Saturday and we rewrtite any death sentence on your situation. CALL 209 255-1000 CODE 340037# 6 am CST, 7 am EST.