The pastors and the church you and your family worship in every Sunday are very important. Some people say they are more important than the doctors and the hospitals you go to for treatment and checkup. They argue that if you choose the right church you may never need a doctor or a hospital. Deciding the church to associate with must therefore be handled with care. Here are five things you must consider before choosing a church for your family.

1. Do I share their Believe? Put simply, is it a church or a cult? You must be sure that the doctrine of the church is based on the bible and that the leadership of the church practice what they preach. Note that what the pastorate do will affect you much more than what they preach.

2. Do I feel what they feel? Every church or congregation has a vision, a passion and a focus area in the ministry. Some are focused on the word of God, some on prayers, some on prosperity, some on love while others focus on demonology and deliverance. Usually, the pastor’s passion, vision and calling determine the passion, vision and sometimes the obsession of the church. Do you share that passion? Many congregations go crazy on sin just because their founder received a revelation about the consequences of sin. Others are obsessed with casting out demons just because their leader received a revelation on demons. Ask yourself, do I feel what they feel?

3. Do they have what I need? A church is like a hospital or school – they don’t treat all deceases or offer all courses respectively. In choosing a church you must then make a list of what is important to you and your family. If you have children you must be sure that the church has a good children’s ministry; if you have young adults you have to look at the youth pastor and the youth ministry. Children and youth pastors have tremendous influence over children. Ask yourself, what does my family need?

Crystal Catheral in Garden Grove California.

4. Do I like where the church is located? The location of the church is very important because no matter how good and relevant a church is to you and your family, you have to get to the church before you can enjoy the services of the church. Ask yourself; is the church easily accessible and am I safe in the environment?

5. Do I like the Pastor? This may sound self-centered but your view of the pastor of a church affects your effectiveness in the church. A church may be Christ centered, word based, loving, convenient and relevant but if you don’t trust the pastor, you are not going to be blessed by his ministry. I always counsel couple who have issues with their church to move on. If you have no confidence in the messenger, you probably won’t faith in the message.